Sunday, November 10, 2013

Flattery and its effects on corporates

Every human being is once a while is affected by flattery word in either way of life. Flattery has many synonymous like Adulation, Blarney , Servility, Sycophancy , Cajole, Butter up , Pay Court to etc. In Hindi we called it Chaplushi. Now I am sure you must be clear. What do I mean to discuss here.

There are only two type of people in any corporate. One want to grow by shortcut and other by way of hard work and knowledge. Since world is very demanding. First kind of people do not hesitate to do things beyond that they are required to do. Desires to get quick success without work gives the birth to word called Flattery in corporate.

Perhaps the best known story regarding the downsides of flattery is Aesop’s fable “The Fox and the Crow”, where a fox comes upon a crow perched on a tree branch, holding a piece of cheese in its beak. Eager to have that piece of cheese, the fox calls out to the crow and starts to flatter the bird about how attractive it is and how it must have the most beautiful voice of all the birds. The fox asks the crow to sing a song so that the fox could enjoy its beautiful voice.
The crow, caught up in the flattering remarks being given by the fox, opens up its mouth and lets out a squawk, causing the cheese to fall from its mouth down to the ground where it’s snatched up by the fox. As the fox walks off with the cheese, he tells the crow “Do not trust flatterers”.

Effects on person subject to flattery
Prof. Sengupta of Harward says Flattery, has an insidious ability to worm its way into the unconscious, where it creates persistent feelings that could affect the outcomes of all kinds of business interactions, from job interviews to sales to boardroom presentations.'
Even Subject's conscious mind knows that they are being flattered by the opposite person. Still they are obliged to listen from the other person due to their unconscious mind which likes flattery.

One who is subject to flattery can learn a good concept from below quote.
  Flattery is like chewing gum. Enjoy is but don't swallow it. - Hank Ketcham 

Effects on Corporate

Flattery Corrupts both the receiver and the giver -  Edmund Burke 

Knavery and Flattery are blood relation. -Abraham Lincoln 

Any thing which is bad in nature will always have bad effects. Same concept applies here as well. People who are dishonest and corrupt in nature like to receive and give flattery. Flattery has ruined several empires in past. Due to flattery management chooses to close their eyes for several issues which could have adverse effects on the growth and stability of the empire.
Since flattery is involved as human level, first adverse effects also starts with human working for organization. Employee iteration increases, People who wish to stick with organization start working toward a common goal flattery. Thus organization goals gets neglected. Vision and Mission of organization are never full filled.